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Join me on my SFX journey

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge horror fan, and with that and my interest in all things makeup comes an interest in SFX makeup.  I have learned a lot from youtube videos, the TV show FACE OFF and from reading lots of interesting articles online, as well as just plain experimentation.  The great thing about SFX is that anything goes, the eyes dont have to be even, it can be messy and you can colour outside the lines!


I started a series on my YOUTUBE channel called 13 days of Horror, which starts October 19th and ends on October 31st.  I started out really basic, just using eyeshadow and some fake blood, but now I am experimenting more with liquid latex and currently starting to try to make my own prosthetic pieces.  


I am having a lot of fun experimenting and learning and I hope that you might come along on the journey with me......

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